Looks like I fell off the wagon a bit.
It happens. Vacation...food bender...why bother weighing in this week...change of habits...don't weigh in for a month. Sound familiar?
But I'm back, thanks to Capital One's Get Active Challenge! We formed a team within Risk Management/Privacy of about 10 people, and we have committed to each other to walk every day for 30 minutes and change our eating habits. A couple coworkers are doing the South Beach diet, at which I would most definitely fail - 2 weeks without fresh fruit or bread? I don't want to live in that world.
I dodged the activity for the first 2 days of this week out of anxiety. I always do that - I procrastinate on most things if I am scared of it or think I'll fail - but yesterday I decided to get off my fat ass and walk 1 1/4 miles around campus at lunchtime. I walked by myself to gauge how fast and far I could walk without panting and/or feeling like I would die, so that today I could walk with the group and know my limits.
The only bad thing about that strategy was that my solitary walk yesterday was along a sidewalk that loops around the campus (pretty even and flat) but today we walked the trails, which have very slight hills and curves and twists. Yesterday's walk was easier for sure, but I'm not sure if that was because of today's hills, curves, or the fact that I wore ballet flats rather than sneakers.
I am definitely stiff from the activity, but I guess that's a good thing.
It is a good thing.....Being stiff and hurting is a good hurt. It will go away once you start walking more often. I'm so proud of you. I need to start walking daily too. 30 min out of the day is the first step to being healthier. I'm glad you're posting again.